A Totally Minor Motion Picture

Brandon, sorry, er, “Ace,” loves his cousin Damon. Why else would he have agreed to follow Damon and his friends around with his camera while they make a movie?

Damon Buck isn’t a has-been -- he’s a never-was. He’s a wannabe director who hires his old college roommate, Quinn Robertson, the first "stunt host" in the history of reality television, to star in Buck’s directorial debut, "The House Party". According to Damon, The House Party is “a heart-achingly beautiful story of one woman’s search for love in a large house over the course of one weekend.” We’ll see about that. Ace meanwhile, is making the making of The House Party.

As a “no-name director with no budget,” Damon has brought his rag tag group of friends -- Trevor, Wiggy, Josh, and Beatrix, -- together to star in his cinematic opus. However, no one takes Damon’s dream too seriously, especially Quinn, whose pixilated naked butt was glorified on his hot show Adventure Haven.

A Totally Minor Motion Picture is one accountant’s quest for artistic fulfillment — against a backdrop of relationships and too few Munchkins -- through one kid’s ever present camera.

A Totally Minor Motion Picture, a high comedy about low-budget filmmaking ... with your friends, stars Mathew Bottone, Drew Carnwath, Leah Gotcsik, Chet Harding, Marty Johnson, Caroline Lawton, Eddie Mejia, Lindy Nettleton, Celeste Oliva, Jimmy Owens, John Henry Wichelns, and Patrick Zeller. ATMMP was shot in eight days with a Canon XL-1 employing a budget of $36,500.00. It was written and directed by Alix Flood.

A Totally Minor Motion Picture was produced
in association with JetPak Productions, LLC.
JetPak Productions

Photo by Michael Kuell, Jetpak Productions, LLC
The cast on the set: Pictured l. to r.: Chet Harding, Drew Carnwath, John Henry Wichelns, Leah Gotscik, Jimmy Owens and Patrick Zeller.

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alix@floodlightproductions.com • PO Box 3909 • Newport, Rhode Island 02840